The Acclaim, Activision and Accolade video game companies chose their names to be before Atari in phone books!

The Acclaim, Activision and Accolade video game companies chose their names to be before Atari in phone books!

Accolade was a gaming company founded in 1984 by Alan Miller and Bob Whitehead, the same people who had previously started up the gaming company Activision.

Activision was the world’s first ever third party game developer. Miller and Whitehead chose the name Activision, because it came before Atari alphabetically and likewise they chose Accolade, because it came before Activision alphabetically.

Each was to make a statement of superiority over the rest; the whole “you want to be at the top of the list in the phonebook” idea. Later some other ex-Activision employees started up their own gaming company, Acclaim, named for, you guessed it: it being alphabetically ahead of Accolade.

Then, another group of ex-Activision employees said “hey, we can do it too!” and they started up Absolute Entertainment, which became the ultimate alphabetically first gaming company. So, the real question to ask is whose controller is bigger and better?


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