Ted Kaczynski, aka the Unabomber, solved a mathematical problem that even his professors couldn't in his graduate thesis!

Ted Kaczynski, aka the Unabomber, solved a mathematical problem that even his professors couldn't in his graduate thesis!

Before becoming a recluse and causing the injuries or deaths of over 25 people, Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, was regarded as one of the smartest mathematicians in the country! A retired professor of mathematics who reviewed his graduate dissertation commented on his thesis saying, "I would guess that maybe 10 or 12 men in the country understood or appreciated it."

This wasn't the first time Kaczynski's intelligence was apparent, however. In fifth grade, he was determined to have an IQ of 167 and skipped sixth grade. During high school, he would often not go to math class because he found it too simple. He ended up skipping eleventh grade and was accepted to Harvard University at the age of 16.

So what led such a smart man to commit such an atrocious act? Perhaps it's due to a personality study he was involved in while attending Harvard, a study that was part of the CIA-sponsored project MKUltra.

Kaczynski was subjected to massive verbal abuse in order to measure his, as well as the other participants', reactions under extreme stress. They believed they were just there to debate their personal philosophies with other students.

Many people, including his lawyers, have said that this was likely a contributing factor to that led him to send handmade bombs through the mail as a political and philosophical statement. His lawyers wanted him to plead insanity, but Kaczynski refused because he didn't think he was insane. He ultimately made a plea agreement and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of early release.


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