Some billionaires have pledged to give the majority of their wealth away to charity

Some billionaires have pledged to give the majority of their wealth away to charity

What would you do with a billion dollars? Pay off debt? Help your family? Buy a hot Lamborghini? Or how about…gasp…give it all away to charity? Stop laughing and keep reading. There’s an actual website devoted to billionaires who want nothing more than to give their cash away in the name of philanthropy and charity. It’s called The richest of the rich declare their intention to give the bulk of their money away either during their lifetime or after their death.

They make a public promise on the website along with a letter explaining the reasons behind their decision. On the website you’ll find such recognizable names as George Lucas and Warren Buffett. Lucas states that he wants to devote his movie-making wealth to education, and Buffett says that 99% of his fortune will go to philanthropy. And you thought you were generous.


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