Rage Against The Machine's song for the Godzilla soundtrack actually criticizes the movie. See what they said

Rage Against The Machine's song for the Godzilla soundtrack actually criticizes the movie. See what they said

Rage Against The Machine is a famous American rap/rock band known for it's politically charged lyrics. Their song lyrics and publicity stunts have been stirring up controversy since the band formed in 1991. Their most famous stunt was when band member and bassist, Tim Commerford, climbed the stage during a live taping of the MTV Video Music Awards in 2000 to destroy the stage.

One controversy that you may have missed was when Rage Against The Machine, or RATM, was asked to make a soundtrack song for the 1993 remake of the classic, Godzilla.

RATM wrote the song to show how the media shields the public's eyes with non-important news stories to keep the public from knowing the bigger problems that may cause controversy. The song 'No Shelter' may have not been the best fit for the movie's soundtrack because it criticizes the star and whole idea of the movie. A line from the lyrics read, "Godzilla, pure motherf***ing filler, get your eyes off the real killer."

hese lyrics are essentially saying that the only reason Godzilla even exists is because the media created him as filler so that they wouldn't need to inform the public of the real issues going and would be able to manipulate them. This is not the message the movie creators were trying to convey, but they left the song in the movie's soundtrack.


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