Mormons believe that God lives near a planet or star named Kolob. What else does Mormon scripture say?

Mormons believe that God lives near a planet or star named Kolob. What else does Mormon scripture say?

A passage in the Book of Abraham reads, "I saw the stars, that they were very great, and that one of them was nearest unto the throne of God... And the Lord said unto me: these are the governing ones; and the name of the great one is Kolob, because it is near unto me."

Naturally, you may have a few questions about the book of Abraham. It was written by Joseph Smith, the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, in 1835. Consequently, it is part of the foundation of the Mormon religion, with many Mormons believing it to be divinely inspired, especially among fundamentalists of that faith.

In addition to Joseph Smith, there have been other prominent men in the history of Mormonism who have spoken about Kolob and it's significance, including B. H. Roberts, Brigham Young, and John Taylor. Each of them considered Kolob to be near the place in which God dwells.

Interestingly, Kolob is also believed to have governing qualities. According to Roberts, there are many great stars near together, but the one that is of exceeding greatness is Kolob, which governs all stars "of the same order as that to which our solar system belongs."


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