If you're a Mac user, you may not be seeing the best deals on Orbitz.com!

If you're a Mac user, you may not be seeing the best deals on Orbitz.com!

The travel site Orbitz was the center of a bit of controversy in 2012 when it was reported that they target higher priced hotel rooms to Mac users. It's important to note that the company didn't offer the same rooms at different prices, but rather tailored it's "suggested" rooms depending on what type of computer you were using.

In response to the controversy, Orbitz' PR firm released a statement which clarified, saying that the company has found that Mac users are more likely to book high-end hotels, and even when they book the same hotels as PC users, they would book the more expensive rooms.

The company claims that it tries to suggest the most relevant rooms to it's customers and uses data that is automatically sent to them when you visit their website to do this. They call this "predictive analytics."

What this boils down to is that Mac users aren't being shown the best deals by default. All users do have the option to sort rooms by price and none of the rooms are only available (or not) to certain groups.


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