An episode of South Park about Tourette's syndrome was aired—and how the Tourette Syndrome Association reacted may surprise you!

An episode of South Park about Tourette's syndrome was aired—and how the Tourette Syndrome Association reacted may surprise you!

Before the eighth episode of season eleven of South Park was aired, the Tourette Syndrome Association (TSA) issued a press release warning the public that they believed the episode would be insensitive to people with TS. They even said, "we are actually surprised it took the creators so long to use TS as comedy fodder in this program, since no disability, illness or controversial topic is off limits to them."

The episode was named 'Le Petit Tourette' meaning, 'The Little Tourette.' In the episode, Cartman fakes having Tourette syndrome so that he can say whatever he wants in public and get away with it. He even screams vulgar, anti-Semitic remarks at Kyle's parents. He further convinces his mother and the doctor that he has indeed got TS and the school is notified to excuse his behavior.

In the end he really does develop a "tic" to tell the truth about everything, including his bed wetting, and that cures him from thinking it is fun to have TS and to not have control over what you say.

After the episode aired, the Tourette Syndrome Association conceded that "the episode was surprisingly well-researched. The highly exaggerated emphasis on coprolalia (uncontrollable swearing) notwithstanding, for the attentive viewer, there was a surprising amount of accurate information conveyed."


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