Long exposure of a set of traffic lights. A town in Germany got rid of all of their traffic lights! What happened?

Long exposure of a set of traffic lights. A town in Germany got rid of all of their traffic lights! What happened?

You would think that adding more rules and tighter enforcement would make a city's traffic even better, right? Well, by the same logic, removing all the laws and lights would lead to chaos. An experiment has proven that's just not the case!

A German town called Bohmerecently decided to get rid of all of their traffic lights and laws in favor of a system called "shared space" where the lines between traffic and pedestrian are blurred and everyone has to work together to keep everyone safe.

Suprisingly, it has been a resounding sucess! Accidents are down, and the town has served as a model for other towns wishing to implement the idea. Since Bohme tried implementing shared space, Ipswich, England, Frankfurt, Germany, and Ostend, Belgium have all gotten in on the idea. Even a tiny town in Washington state called Langely has implemented a form of the rules.


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