In Berlin, you can still see the difference between East and West by the streetlights. Learn more about how the wall fell

In Berlin, you can still see the difference between East and West by the streetlights. Learn more about how the wall fell

The Cold war was a tough time for the whole world, and none were more affected than the citizens of Berlin. Divided into east and west at the end of WWII, the eastern half was under Soviet control.

In the middle of the city was the Berlin Wall, a terrifying strip of land with concrete walls, barbed wire, and armed guards on either side of a wide expanse of land known as the "death strip".

Funnily enough, the wall was torn down due to a simple mistake. The Politburo of East Germany had decided to re-open travel between the east and west. However, instead of doing so in an orderly fashion, one of the Politburo members blurted out that fact on national television.

The citizens of east Berlin then rushed to the wall and demanded to be let through. Thankfully, the guards complied and no blood was shed in the destruction of the wall. Because the open crossing policy made the wall redundant, people began to take sledgehammers to it and reduced a large portion to rubble before the night was out.


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