Famous boxer Jack Johnson once paid double for a speeding ticket. Do you know why?

Famous boxer Jack Johnson once paid double for a speeding ticket. Do you know why?

Legendary early 20th century boxer Jack Johnson had to be pretty brave in order to be the best. Not only was he throwing himself into the ring to fight, but he also did it at the height of the Jim Crow era where controversy surrounded him as an African American. He became the world heavyweight boxing champion from 1908 to 1915, but he also managed to fight the law on one occasion.

As one of the earliest celebrity athletes he tended to talk pretty big, such as when he got pulled over for speeding and fined $50. Since it was petty cash for such a successful boxer, he forked over $100 to the officer who complained that he couldn't make change for that much. Johnson told him to keep the change since he would be making the return trip at the same speed.

Automobile racing was one of his many expensive hobbies that he enjoyed partaking in. He once challenged racer Barney Oldfield to a auto race at Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn, a one mile dirt track that Oldfield was far more experienced in. Oldfield crushed Johnson's dream of becoming a racer then and there, pulling out way ahead from the start.


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