Christian Bale had to pack on a few pounds for Batman Begins--too bad he gained too much! Find out how much he weighed!

Christian Bale had to pack on a few pounds for Batman Begins--too bad he gained too much! Find out how much he weighed!

Christian Bale makes headlines every time he stars in a role. He commits, even if that means putting his health at risk or drastically changing his diet. That's exactly the situation he found himself in when given the amazing opportunity to be the next Batman.

After taking a year off, Bale came back to play as Trevor Reznik in the psychological thriller “The Machinist.” He really became the roll and decided to embody the characters emaciated, skeletal appearance. He wouldn't sleep for long periods of time and adopted a crash diet of coffee and apples, losing 63 pounds. By the end of filming he weighed a measly 121 pounds.

Almost immediately after, he gained the role to play Batman in Christopher Nolan's “Batman Begins.” He needed to get back in tip-top shape, claiming that on the first day of training he wasn't even able to do a push up. He met his goal of gaining 100 pounds in six months, going to 230 pounds—more than Nolan had wanted for his Batman.

Before filming began, he took a small dip on his roller-coaster diet and stabilized at the desired 190 pounds.


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