The Sioux were offered $1 billion for their land, but refused. Why?

The Sioux were offered $1 billion for their land, but refused. Why?

There are not many folk who would be able to say no to one billion dollars. But the Oglala Sioux are one such group of people.

The Sioux originally called an area around the Black Hills of South Dakota home until they were evicted and placed in reservations. Now, almost a hundred years later, they are still fighting to get their land back.

The US courts, on the other hand, consider the issue dealt with owing to a 1980’s ruling by the federal Indian Claims Commission where the Sioux were awarded $102 million in compensation for the loss of their land. While a few Sioux celebrated the award, most did not agree with it, claiming the land was never for sale so money could not be taken for it.

The award has spent the last 30 years in trust funds accumulating interest and investment growth making it a now sizeable $1 billion.

But still the Sioux stand firm. Regardless of the poverty and desperate need for services, the community still claims the lands were never for sale and therefore money cannot be taken for them.

The issue is likely to get a lot more attention soon, not just because the Sioux are planning to petition President Obama for the return of their land, but because the Black Hills also play home to the rather famous Mount Rushmore.


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