The Miami Heat gave out 8,000 fortune cookies to promote Yao Ming's first game there!
One of the few famous Chinese basketball players, Yao Ming was the tallest active player in the NBA at 7 feet six inches at the time of retirement!
Born in Shanghai at 11 pounds, over double the average Chinese baby’s weight, Ming’s parents were both basketball players.
In 2002 Ming came to Miami for the first time to play the Heat, and to increase attention for the game 8,000 fortune cookies were passed out!
Offensive? Apparently only to Americans who thought so because Ming said he didn’t mind and had never heard of a fortune cookie, thinking it was a strange American thing.
This event was only eclipsed by Shaquille O’Neal later saying, “Tell Yao Ming, Ching chong-yang-wah-ah-soh!”