The increasing size of smartphones is having an effect on clothing companies. You can say it is hitting their pockets...

The increasing size of smartphones is having an effect on clothing companies. You can say it is hitting their pockets...

Is it a phone or is it a tablet? No, it is a phablet. The size of smartphones has been steadily increasing and Samsung, in particular, is going bigger and bigger with their ‘Galaxy’ range. Phablets are becoming more unwieldy and it is not only Samsung’s competitors who have to keep up!

Clothing companies had to rethink their designs as far as pocket sizes go. A pocket that could easily accommodate a smartphone three years ago is falling dismally short of being nearly the right size for a phablet. Smartphones have become so massive that clothing companies actually have to re-engineer their pants in order to accommodate these huge new handsets.

“We recently increased the size of our ‘coin pocket,’ which is the pocket-within-the-pocket on the wearer’s right, from 3×3 to 4×4 to accommodate today’s larger phones,” Dockers vice president of global design Doug Conklyn said.

Dockers also had to rework the concealed ‘mobile pocket’ on some of their Khaki pants so that the new super-size smartphones will be able to fit into them. But clothing companies will have to keep their eye on the smartphone size race. “They’re going to keep getting bigger, for sure,” Samsung VP Nick DiCarlo told


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