The astronauts of Apollo 11 received a per diem of $8 a day for their mission to the moon!

The astronauts of Apollo 11 received a per diem of $8 a day for their mission to the moon!

The Apollo 11 mission was the first that landed on the moon. The astronauts that manned it were Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins.

They made history. The accomplished an amazing feat. They walked on the moon! They received fame, recognition and a place in the history books.

What they did not receive was a high salary or per diem. If you look at this mission like your typical business trip, the astronauts received just $8 per diem (or about $50 in today's money). And deductions were made from this because the spaceship provided accommodations - no need to look for a hotel in outer space!

Their salary was also fairly low for their accomplishments. They were paid about $17,000 per year (or about $100,000 today). While a substantial amount, it does not reflect the men's huge accomplishments or education.


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