Some snakes are so sly they actually steal warmth from their friends!

Some snakes are so sly they actually steal warmth from their friends!

Typically, a kleptomaniac is somebody who cannot stop themselves from stealing things. In human society this kind of behaviour is frowned upon and the “klepto” will likely find themselves either in prison or some kind of rehabilitation program to correct their aberrant behaviour.

Nature, however, has a slightly different view on stealing things. Crows and Starlings are quite good at collecting shiny objects belonging to humans and using them to adorn their nests, while some other birds have no qualms stealing another’s nest altogether.

But, the oddest form of theft is called Kleptothermy and involves one animal stealing another’s heat. The best known perpetrators of this crime are the Canadian red sided garter snakes.

The snakes hibernate during the cold months and once they wake up again need to mate as soon as possible. However, being cold blooded, they tend to take a while to get moving until they heat up. To assist their heating up process some male snakes mimic the pheromones produced by the females thereby drawing other males to them.

They then cuddle the unwitting male, stealing his heat, until they are able to move freely and beat him to the actual prize.


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