Goldeneye for N64 originally made you reload by removing and re-inserting the rumble pack!

Goldeneye for N64 originally made you reload by removing and re-inserting the rumble pack!

First person shooter (FPS) console games always strive to be as realistic as possible, and with the console processing power available today, the games can be made almost life like. But, back in 1997, graphics and processing power were not up to the standards of today and game producers had to try other methods of creating realism.

One of the big developments of the time was to move away from “on rails” shooter games to the more realistic “floater” games where the player appeared to be viewing the scene directly as if in first person. The James Bond inspired game, Goldeneye, created by Rare, was one of the first of these floater games and went on to sell 8 million copies making it the third largest selling game for the Nintendo 64 console at the time.

Another idea for increased realism in the game was unfortunately dropped in the end, but was to have the player reloading his weapon by unplugging and re-inserting the rumble pack on the controller, giving the effect of dropping and inserting a pistol magazine.

Sadly, this cool feature was viewed by Nintendo as too disruptive to the electronics and the idea was dropped.


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