These wasps have mind control powers! (Don't worry, it's only over spiders—not people)

These wasps have mind control powers! (Don't worry, it's only over spiders—not people)

Deep in the forests of Costa Rica you can find some pretty sinister animals. There is a even certain kind of wasp that has mind control abilites!

These wasps prey on the Costa Rican orb spider. When a wasp successfully stings a host spider, the spider is paralyzed, unable to move as the wasp lays eggs in the tip of the spider’s abdomen.

After the spider regains its ability to move and goes back to it's ordinary life, the wasp’s growing larvae cling to the spider’s belly and feed on it's juices through a number of small punctures.

The larva then force the spider into weaving the foundations of a cocoon. While scientists are aware of the mechanism of infection, they don't yet understand how the mind control works. The zombified spider is then the larva's first feast.


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