There were once seven elephants so popular that they were named the "Magnificent 7", after the movie. Can you guess where they are now?

Almost 30 years ago, the last of the Magnificent 7 died of natural causes at theKruger National Park in South Africa.
For almost 50 years, seven impressive elephant bulls, all with tusks weighing over 110 pounds each, could be found at Kruger National Park.
The Chief Warden at the time was very proud of the conservation work they were doing at the park, so he decided to publicize all seven of them as a great example of Kruger’s conservation work.
Each of them was given a name, and all were loved dearly by the visitors to the park. Check out the source to learn more about Dzombo, Kambaku, Mafunyane, Ndlulamithi, Shawu, and Shingwedzi.