Russian roulette is an incredibly dangerous game in which the participant puts a single bullet into a revolver and spins the barrel, then closes the barrel, points the gun to his head, and shoots.
While Russian roulette was first mentioned in a 1937 short story, it became famous worldwide with the 1978 Academy Award winning film The Deer Hunter. In it, Robert DiNiro and Christopher Walken are forced to play Russian roulette as Vietnamese prisoners of war.
Unfortunatly, that famous portrayal led to quite a few copycats. While you're probably not the most intelligent person if you're playing Russian roulette in the first place, some of the competitors have been dumber than others.
In 2000, a man from Houston, TX killed himself by playing Russian roulette with a semi-automatic pistol. He apparently didn't realize that semi-automatics automaticallyinsert a bullet into the chamber when they are cocked.