For every lion cub that lives to be one year old, its parents have mated nearly 3,000 times!

For every lion cub that lives to be one year old, its parents have mated nearly 3,000 times!

The lion, the majestic king of the jungle, one of the mightiest creatures that have ever existed.

Most lions live in prides. A pride of lions consists of related females and offspring and a small number of adult males. Females are the most precious in those groups because they are the ones responsible for the hunt.

Every now and then, intruding males will attack a pride and kill the lionesses’ cubs. After a few days, the lioness will be ready to breed new cubs with the intruding lion.

Since this happens very often, for every cub that lives to be one year old, it's parents have mated nearly 3,000 times!


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