Donkey Kong's original name was "Stupid Kong". His current name is due to a mistranslation!

Donkey Kong is the lead and title character of the Donkey Kong series. He is the carefree, lazy, yet trustworthy hero of Donkey Kong Island.
According to the in-game storyline, the current Donkey Kong is a decendant of the original Kong. He was named as the original Kong's successor after losing to Mario one too many times.
A lot of people wonder why he is called "Donkey Kong”, since he is a gorilla and not a donkey. Donkey Kong's name was originally "Stupid Ape" in Japanese, but the Japanese to English translator confused the words Stupid and Donkey, and did not translate the Japanese word "Kong" at all. Hence, our Stupid Ape is known as Donkey Kong here in America and other English speaking nations.