At least in Canada, tap water is better for you (and the environment) than bottled water!

At least in Canada, tap water is better for you (and the environment) than bottled water!

Contrary to popular belief, drinking tap water isn't actually that bad for you. Well, at least it isn't in Canada. It's actually healthier to drink tap water in Canada than it is to drink bottled water! Here's why.

First, tap water is actually fresher than bottled water because it only stays in the supply system for up to 3 days. Bottled water sits in the bottle for weeks, sometimes months.

Second, bottled water is regulated under the Food and Drugs Act. This sounds all fine and dandy, until you realize that bottled water doesn't have to meet all of the criteria established in the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality. Tap water, however, does.

If those two reasons don't convince you that it's better to drink tap water—perhaps this will persuade you. Every year, more than 50 million bottles end up in landfill sites in the United States alone. Why? Because people aren't recycling them, even though they are recyclable. Furthermore, according to the UN, some companies in poor countries are using forced labour to meet their quotas, and harvesting those poorer countries' precious groundwater supplies.


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