A witness to Abraham Lincoln's assassination was still alive in 1956. And he went on a game show!

A witness to Abraham Lincoln's assassination was still alive in 1956. And he went on a game show!

The seemingly ancient television show, "I've Got a Secret" involves guests appearing on the show to tell a secret or interesting story about themselves. At first, the guest just gives a hint, but they answer yes or no questions asked by the contestants. The contestants have to guess what the guests secret is. The show went down in television history when a Marlyandman named Samuel J Seymour appeared on the show.

Samuel Seymour, who was 96 at the time, appeared on the show claiming that he had seen Abraham Lincoln getting assassinated in April of 1865. The television show found Samuel Seymour because an editorial piece was done on him in a local newspaper!

Samuel Seymour was only 5 years old at the time of Lincoln's assassination, and his only memory from that night is watching John Wilkes Booth fall from the balcony after shooting Lincoln. Seymour says that he felt bad for the man who fell from the balcony, because he didn't realize that President Lincoln was dead.

Samuel Seymour passed away two months after appearing on the show.


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