Hey Arnold! Is an American animated television series created by Craig Bartlett for Nickelodeon. The show's premise focuses on a fourth grader named Arnold who lives with his grandparents in a large city.
Episodes center on his experiences navigating big city life while dealing with the problems he and his friends encounter, including urban legends. Certain episodes focus on the lives of supporting characters, such as the tenants of the boarding house that Arnold's grandparents own.
The series aired on Nickelodeon from October 7, 1996, until June 8, 2004. Hey Arnold! Received generally positive reviews, with many critics praising it's character development and the quality of it's animation. Over the course of it's eight-year run, the series aired 100 episodes.
A feature film based on the series, Hey Arnold!: The Movie, was released in 2002 to generally negative reviews.
Arnold, the main character had 4 different voice actors throughout the series! Including Toran Caudell, Spencer Klein, Phillip Van Dyke, and Alex D.Linz.