Oral sex can cure morning sickness!

Oral sex can cure morning sickness!

While I would not recommend telling this to a hormonal, tired pregnant lady, the cure for morning sickness might be sperm.

Gordon Gallub, a psychologist at SUNY-Albany has proposed that pregnant women continuously exposed to the sperm of their future-baby's father are less likely to suffer from AM nausea.

He says that expecting women become ill and vomit because their bodies are rejecting the semen's genetic material as something as something foreign and unfamiliar. Ingesting the same sperm could help the body built up tolerance, kind of like a vaccination.

So far, this is only a theory and will be tested in coming years. But, both male and female doctors are saying it's a positive one. However, neither are in a position to recommend oral sex as a cure to morning sickness yet.


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