Movie theater popcorn costs more per ounce than filet mignon!

Movie theater popcorn costs more per ounce than filet mignon!

Movie theater popcorn is a gift from the Gods, and it should be cherished for all mankind; but the irresistible buttery snack is far from healthy, and far from cheap. Researchers have no idea how much a bag of popcorn costs to make, as cinemas around the world have kept a lid on how they acquire their tasty snacks.

It is estimated that for the movie theater, a bag of popcorn costs 10 cents to make - but we all know they sell it for much more than that.As it turns out, movie theaters don't make a lot of money from selling the tickets to the movies. In fact, they actually make almost all of their money from the snacks sold at the concession stand!

Richard Mackenzie a professor at the University of California wrote an entire book about popcorn - but even he doesn't know how much it costs movie theaters to make. What he does know, is that movie theater popcorn costs more per ounce than filet mignon, a food that is considered a tasty, but highly expensive delicacy.


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