Piranha - A River Monster

A piranha at the Memphis zoo.A piranha at the Memphis zoo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)Piranha, a freshwater fish of South America noted for its ferocity. It is also known as the caribe. The name “piranha” is derived from the Tupi Indian language, native to Brazil. It’s a combination of the Tupi word pira, or “fish,” and ranha, meaning “tooth".There are several species of piranhas, found in Venezuela and south through Brazil. They are from about 8 to 18 inches (20 to 45 cm) long, with deep, thin bodies that may be silvery blue, green, brown, or black.

Piranhas are world-famous for their razor-sharp teeth. Native peoples of South America will catch the piranha and use their teeth to make tools and weapons. Even the fisherman who catch these vicious little predators have to be careful when the fish is out of water. A single piranha out of water is still dangerous enough to take off the flesh, or the odd toe, from an unwary fisherman.

Piranhas may attack any living animal—including man—that enters the water they inhabit, and often eat their own kind.But, generally pose no threat to humans. Natives frequently swim in piranha-infested water without attacks or scratches. However, it is not recommended to swim where piranha live in drought season because of increased aggressiveness caused by food scarcity and increased tendency to form large schools. Piranha fish also have the same sensory system that enables sharks to detect blood in minuscule amounts, so it is believed that swimming with an open cut may enhance the chance of an attack, yet Piranha fish rarely try to eat animals much larger than themselves.They attack in large schools, sometimes gathering by the hundreds to strip the flesh from a large animal.Piranhas are good food fish, the power of the meat can cure many things, but are hard to catch as their sharp teeth cut lines easily.

Biting Power of Piranha

Piranhas have triangle-shaped teeth that are razor-sharp. The fish are known as cruel killers. Sometimes they swim in large schools. They may attack a large fish or other animal in the water. The piranhas use their sharp teeth to chop their victim into tiny bits.

Animal Planet
Piranha meat: It can take a bite out of what ails you
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